Andreas Sorge
Bewertungsspezialist / Partner
Discretion and broad expertise are the basis for the trust that clients place in us with their personal concerns. What we give back is the promotion of transparency, the identification of alternative solutions and the development of a basis for decision-making without losing sight of the medium and long-term consequences.
Inheritance divisions, tax issues, Lex Koller, second home quotas, purchase rights, rights of use, donations.
Concrete advice is based on the identification of needs, analysis of facts, promotion of transparency with regard to the issues concerned and the identification and presentation of alternative solutions, without losing sight of the consequences of possible decisions.
Some interesting details

- University of Zurich Business Economist lic. phil. oec.
- real estate valuer with eidg. FA
- Sworn dipl. Immobilientreuhänder
- Fachdozent Bewertung KS Zürich
In the real estate industry since 2005


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