Sarah Kläntschi
“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”.
– Aristoteles
My Journey in the Real Estate Industry
From Administration to Successful Marketing
I discovered the world of real estate early in my career. After completing my training as a businesswoman at a renowned real estate and architecture firm, followed by my role as a clerk and later as team leader in the real estate department of the same company, I gained extensive expertise in administration, marketing, IT, and real estate marketing.
During a soccer game, I unfortunately suffered a knee injury that forced me to reconsider my physical activities. After undergoing knee surgery a few years ago, I discovered strength training, which not only aids in rehabilitation but also helps me stay fit and energized. I train regularly at the gym and at home, which enables me to stay in top physical and mental shape.
Teamwork is the key to success, both in sports and in professional life. As a committed team player, this is especially important to me. In my role as an assistant, I support our field sales team and management in a wide range of matters, ensuring that they always have the support they need to focus on their goals. I see myself as a defender of shared objectives. 😉 Effective collaboration between internal and external teams is essential to overcoming challenges and celebrating successes together.
I love working in the real estate industry and am proud to be part of such a knowledgeable and dedicated team. I look forward to new challenges every day and genuinely appreciate the familial atmosphere within our company. True to the motto: “Joy in the job brings perfection to the work.”

Sarah Kläntschi
Executive Assistant
Do you have any questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
📞 052 503 10 21
Some Interesting Details

- Certified Commercial Professional
- Professional Trainer Service & Administration
Since 2012 in the real estate industry


«...sowohl in qualitativer als auch in quantitativer Hinsicht...»

«...verantwortungsbewusste, selbständige und teamfähige Mitarbeiterin...»